It’s the holiday season, and we’re embracing the joyful chaos of white elephant gift swaps—but with a digital twist! Instead of swapping junky quirky knick-knacks, we’re giving you the chance to unwrap one of several unique reaction GIF-ts that are among the most used in our company’s slack channels.
Click one of the presents below to unwrap your surprise GIF and add some cheer (or chuckles) to your day. Who knows? You might find the perfect reaction for your holiday Zoom calls or group chats. And if you like it as much as we do, feel free to download it and add it to your own Slack channel too! (Adding GIFs as Slack-mojis is super simple.)
Happy unwrapping! 🎁 Click on the present you’d like to unwrap below to unwrap your GIF:
The “Good Chum” thumb

The “Good Chum” thumb is the O.G. Electric Kite emoji, and it finds its way into pretty much every online conversation, presentation, and document we create. What’s a “good chum,” you ask? It’s a term for a good friend, taken from our UK friends across the pond, brought here by our principal, Kevin Renton. But it’s also a small token we send each other to recognize their good work, stepping up to do more than they’re asked, and helping out their teammates. And now you have a Good Chum too! We welcome you to experience the joy of spreading it to all who deserve it.
“Windy Guy”
“Windy Guy” is highly versatile: There is no situation where reacting with it is not appropriate. Did you receive some great news? Windy Guy. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Windy Guy! Have you lost your connection with reality? WINDY GUY!

“Thumbs Up Computer Kid”

The “Thumbs Up Computer Kid” is a classic meme that makes any Slack conversation better. When a plain-old-regular thumbs-up won’t suffice, Thumbs Up Computer Kid is here for you. Is it meant to be heartfelt or sarcastic? No one knows! But he’s guaranteed to be appreciated whenever you use him.
“Party Blob”
There’s no confusion here: “Party Blob” is all happy, all the time, perfect for celebrating moments of joy, milestones, or good news. Think of it as digital confetti — whenever there’s a reason to celebrate, Party Blob is ready to party!

Our “Panic Intensifies” buddy

We admit it — we’re human. And sometimes humans get stressed. When deadlines are looming or we’re anxiously waiting for answers from our partners, our “Panic Intensifies” buddy is here to perfectly express the mood. While things don’t always go as planned, it’s also good to remember to keep a smile on your face.
We hope you enjoyed your White Elephant GIF-t! From all of us at Electric Kite, we thank you for making this holiday season a bit brighter! Happy unwrapping! 🎁