Kenneth Oum – Front-End and VR Developer

Kenneth joined eCity in January this year and hit the ground running working on new and exciting projects utilizing his knowledge of game design, virtual reality, and web development.


My Daily Routine at eCity

My days consists of a fun juggling act of design, programming, and experimentation.  As I am both a front-end and virtual reality developer, I have a variety of projects each with something new to offer. One day I may be working on a medical website for mobile devices and the next day I could be working on a virtual reality application dedicated to treating anxiety. It’s this mix of experiences and challenges that makes me a stronger designer/developer. With eCity, I plan to grow these skills and push them to the next level (and further into the virtual reality space).

My Resume at a Glance

My background is within the field of Digital Media. My work experience ranges from graphic design, animation, web development, and video production. After earning a Masters Degree in Digital Media at Drexel University, I went on to become a founding member of SmugBee Games in Philadelphia creating games for the mobile/web market and software for various companies. Alongside my game work and eCity, I also teach at Drexel University.

Interesting thing about me

Ever wanted to control a game with just your brain? I created the world’s first fNIR (spectroscopy or light based) brain computer interface multiplayer game in which I had to combine the concepts of biomed engineering protocols, cognitive psychology and digital media practices.

Favorite Movie

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Jim Carrey’s best role by far

My General Advice

Always experiment with your craft and try something new.  For all you know, your game about a moon looking for another planet to orbit due to marital issues could be your big hit! If not, at least you made a game which is more than other people have done.
Work at eCity Interactive